
Are you fascinated by the visual world? Are you drawn to logos, illustrations, cartoons, and advertisements? You may be on your way to a Graphic Design major. Graphic Designers find innovative ways to communicate ideas visually, incorporating a range of media including digital imaging, photography, and illustration. As a Graphic Design major you might explore web design, product development, or advertising, using a wide variety of artistic skills and perspectives to create your own personal vision.

Developing your personal artistic vision involves critically studying both your own work and the work of others. You'll share your work, receive feedback, and, in turn, learn the art of critiquing others. By studying Graphic Design you'll learn how creative ideas have changed and developed, and the concepts and creations of practicing Graphic Designers will help you see where the field of Graphic Design is now-and where you might lead it.


  • Art History

  • Artist Books

  • Color Theory

  • Computers and Design

  • Electronic Imaging

  • Figure Drawing

  • Graphic Design

  • Illustration

  • Painting

  • Printmaking

  • Sculpture

  • Typography

  • Web Design


Take advantage of your high school art department. Take as many art classes as you can, and get involved in extracurricular art clubs. Since Graphic Design majors are required to take the same foundation curriculum as fine arts majors, brush up on your drawing skills. Most likely, you'll be required to present a portfolio for admission. Although you'll be majoring in Graphic Design, the majority of your portfolio should consist of drawings from life. For feedback or a review of your portfolio by several schools at once, visit a National Portfolio Day.