
Film is a form of artistic expression that involves moving images, sound, color, and light projected in front of a human eye to produce a desired effect. Film is a moving record of the human condition, and over the years has served to challenge, remind, move, and entertain us. Film is inextricably linked to society and culture-it is both a product and a reflection of our time. Majoring in Film involves a dedication to your own artistic vision, as well as a commitment to learning about the great filmmakers from the past and present. As a Film major you'll learn how to turn your vision into a work of art, through studies in acting, directing, producing, writing, editing, and sound mixing. You'll learn about what goes into making a film, from pre- to post-production.

Making films isn't the only goal of a Film major. Film majors also study animation, cinematography, radio, and television. As with other fields of art, Film is very competitive-an undergraduate degree probably won't yield enough experience to land you in the Sundance Film Festival unless you're extraordinarily talented or have the luck o' the Irish. If you're serious about becoming a filmmaker, graduate work will probably be a necessity.


  • Business of Film

  • Cinematography

  • Directing the Actor

  • Documentary Film

  • Film Development

  • Film Noir

  • Frame and Sequence

  • Introduction to Animation

  • Script Analysis

  • Sound Image

  • Storytelling Strategies

  • Studies in New Media

  • The Language of Film

  • Various in-depth courses featuring one filmmaker, writer, or topic, such as Elia Kazan, Martin Scorsese, Film Noir, or Holocaust Film


If your high school has any classes on film, take advantage; if not, you can prepare for a Film degree by taking English, philosophy, art, music, and history classes. Film involves the expression of ideas and culture, and the best way to prepare is to expose yourself to great thinkers and artists of the past.